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Drink Less with Susan!

Successful in every area of your life except one...sometimes you drink a little too much?  You are not alone. 

I was in the same place. Wine was my escape, my reward and relief after a stressful day. I thought it made me nicer, more relaxed, more fun...until it didn't.

I tried making rules only to break them. I counted my weekly drinks, only to fudge the numbers. The stress of trying to control my drinking led to more drinking! 

I get it!

Alcohol is your reward; a permission slip to finally relax and destress. You’ve taken breaks, and you know you feel better when you don’t drink, but you keep going back because, “you’re not that bad”, “why not live a little?” and “I deserve a break”.

You do deserve a break! But alcohol is not actually providing what you really need! 


Join me and take a mindful break while we unpack some myths we have all been taught to believe about alcohol! 


DISCOVER:  How alcohol affects your body and mind

DISCOVER: How our culture has socialized us to believe alcohol is necessary for relaxation and fun

DISCOVER: How you feel when you take a break from alcohol!

  • Are you worried about your drinking and wish you could just be a "normal drinker" This is one of the biggest myths about alcohol, that we will bust!
  • Do you rely on alcohol to deal with stress? I did too! But what if what we think is helping us is really creating more stress in our bodies? The truth about alcohol and stress will blow your mind!
  • Think your life won't be fun without wine? Think again! 
  • Tired of waking up vowing not to drink today, only to give in at wine o'clock?  As a bonus you will receive my tried and true drinking urge buster!
  • You can break free from the cycle of drinking more than you want!  In just three days we will bust 3 major myths about alcohol. Through science-based facts you will learn the truth about how alcohol affects your brain and body, and how you can get your power of choice back!

It's time to make alcohol small & irrelevant in your life! 


FREE! Drink Less with Susan 3 Days of Discovery 

Take 3 Days to explore your relationship with alcohol. Learn some science-based facts through daily (short) videos and  exercises to help you start to change your relationship with alcohol. You will gain confidence and realize maybe you don't need alcohol to cope, relax, or have fun! 

You can create a life you want to wake up to!


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