Let's Chat!

Successful in every area of your life but one...
Sometimes you drink a little too much?
I get it. I can help.

Deciding take a look at your drinking doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you!

Are you curious about changing your relationship with alcohol? 

Start today!

Drink Less with Susan 3-Day Free Course

Can you relate? 

  • That nightly glass of wine to take the edge off has become 2-3 glasses or more?
  • You look forward to wine o'clock a little too much? 
  • You've tried to cut back, and you can for a while, but then you overdo it again?
  • Is the stress of trying to cut back or control your drinking making you miserable?
  • You are not an "alcoholic" but have no idea where to go for help? 

You are in the right place. I have been where you are right now, and I have GREAT NEWS!

The solution starts with Discovery


DISCOVER:  How alcohol affects your body and mind

DISCOVER: How society and the media have socialized us to believe alcohol is necessary for relaxation and fun

DISCOVER: How you feel when you take a break from alcohol!


Drink Less with Susan is for anyone questioning their drinking.

Work with me and take a mindful break.  It doesn't have to be forever, but take the time to learn how alcohol affects your mind and body so you can get back in control and decide what's right for you!


I'm Susan Larkin, Alcohol Freedom Life Coach 

I am passionate about helping women, like you, discover how to get your drinking back under control, become free, and create a life you want to wake up to!

First of all, let me assure you, there is nothing wrong with you! 

If you have started to rely on alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress and overwhelm, it is completely understandable. It's what society has taught us. Having a bad day? Have some wine. Kids driving you crazy? Vino to the rescue. Need an escape? Crack open a bottle. It's no wonder we have turned to alcohol to solve all our problems!  

I was in the same place. Wine was my escape, my reward and relief after a stressful day. I thought it made me nicer, more relaxed, more fun...until it didn't. I'm a smart lady, I  knew I was drinking more than the weekly recommended amount, yet I couldn't let go. I tried making rules only to break them. I counted my weekly drinks, only to fudge the numbers. The stress of trying to control my drinking led to more drinking!  I was what you would call a "gray area drinker" living an increasingly gray life.

As a double certified alcohol freedom coach, I help women who have come to use alcohol as a coping mechanism to relieve stress and manage over-functioning in their lives. I get it! Alcohol is your reward; a permission slip to finally relax and destress. You’ve taken breaks, and you know you feel better when you don’t drink, but you keep going back because, “you’re not that bad”, “why not live a little?” and “I deserve a break”.

You do deserve a break!

But alcohol is not actually providing what you really need!

What does work, and what I can offer you is:

  • Resources to regulate your nervous system
  • Practices to gain emotional and thought mastery
  • Tools to handle stress and overwhelm effectively
  • Compassionate and grace led guidance and unwavering support.

This approach offers a unique way to make alcohol small and irrelevant in your life! You can become truly free from the desire to drink!

Together we will co-create a life you want to wake up to, one where you don’t need or want to drink! Discover how amazing your life can be when you are free from the mental-tug-of-war of constantly trying to control your drinking.

Developing an unhealthy relationship with alcohol is nothing to be ashamed of!

Alcohol is a highly addictive substance to everyone and your body and brain were doing what they were supposed to in response. You developed an unhealthy coping mechanism. There are a gazillion other people in the same boat, but most of them are not brave enough to do something about it, but you are!

Our culture and societal norms have conditioned us to believe alcohol is a cure-all. Guess what? It's not! 

  • You are not the only person struggling or questioning your drinking, trust me!
  • You don't have to adopt a label or admit you have a disease or moral failing (you don't!)
  • You don't have to hit a "rock bottom" to want to change drinking!
  • You are not doing it wrong or a failure. All you need are some new tools and a little guidance!

Taking your power back starts with AWARENESS


True Freedom Lies in our Power to CHOOSE

With no labels, shame or rules, DISCOVER the truth about alcohol. I will help you go from AWARE to ALIVE, and living a VIBRANT LIFE! 

Get your power of choice back!

Drink Less with Susan 3-Day Free Course


Working with Susan on a weekly basis was the accountability that I needed in order to see change.

Susan’s approach was exactly what I was looking for in a coach. She was thorough and had the tools to help me get through any challenges I faced.

Our sessions were collaborative and focused on the importance of unpacking issues I was working on. 

Her compassionate and empathetic approach allowed me to be vulnerable and 100% me. 

I will be forever grateful for this 1:1 coaching experience with Susan, it feels like only the beginning of a beautiful new way of living! 



I didn’t really think it was possible to ever be able to remove my desire for alcohol. Susan was able to help me not only achieve that but also challenge me to find and become the authentic  person I wanted to be.

She believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. She taught me how to find new and healthy ways to care for myself and to nurture that girl I had disconnected from.

Many times I would come to Susan overwhelmed or with unmet expectations in my life and she would come through with inventive and unique approaches to helping me deal with these. She proved herself invaluable to me.


I’ve been working with Susan Larkin for the past year.  I’ve benefited hugely from our sessions. She frequently reminds me of how far I’ve come, which is very motivating. She’s also a great listener with a gift for understanding when to help me to challenge my thinking.

When my motivation was flagging, Susan didn’t hesitate to give me pep talks on why giving up alcohol can be the key to greater life satisfaction and fulfillment. I left those sessions with a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration. She’s been great to work with and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking for a coach.

You might be thinking...

I don't think my drinking is bad enough...I drink just like all of my friends...some people drink more than me and they seem fine...am I overreacting?  

Maybe the question isn't, is it bad enough to change, but is it good enough to stay the same? 


  • Is waking up at 3 am dehydrated, full of anxiety thinking "I overdid it again!" good enough?
  • Is making rules about your drinking only to break them and beat yourself up, good enough? 
  • Is missing your workout and feeling like crap all day good enough?
  • Is not performing as well as you could at work due to foggy brain good enough?
  • Is not looking and feeling your best on a daily basis, good enough?
  • Is not quite remembering what you said or who you texted last night, good enough?  
  • Is taking breaks and feel better only to return to drinking, good enough?
  • Is feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired, good enough?


Is drinking holding you back from the life you've always wanted?

 It doesn't have to be this way!

These simple steps will get you closer to the life you deserve:

  1. Start with my free 3-Day course to bust some myths about alcohol! There nothing wrong with you, and you may be surprised by what you learn!
  2. Schedule a no obligation informational call with me. We just chat! No pressure or sleazy sales, I pinky promise!
  3. I will ask some questions to help you create awareness around your relationship with alcohol. You will get clear on how you can change your drinking!
  4. If we decide to work together you will receive everything you need to make alcohol truly small and irrelevant and start living a life you want to wake up to!

If you're ready, I'm ready. You don't have to do this alone!

Let's Chat!

Changing Your Relationship With Alcohol Will Transform Your Life

it did mine! 

Restore your confidence

Look and feel amazing

Sleep better than ever

Unlock true feelings of joy

Start dreaming again

Realize your potential  

Reclaim your best life!

Don't wait another minute to get started!

Get Started!